Bhajan Cooke, my friend since we were 16
David Lochhead and Christina Stobert - irreplaceable
Precious Heidi Neill
Amazing Hilary Black
Stronger than a jewel, Julie Cote
Talented in so many ways, Bethan Nodwell

It's sometimes difficult to pinpoint those precious people who have influenced and shaped your life in such a way that you are changed forever. Here are a few of my most solid and ever-giving friends that naturally rise to meet that definition. They are constantly inspiring me and encouraging me to embrace my self. Pure love.

David Lochhead and Christina Stobert - irreplaceable

Precious Heidi Neill

Amazing Hilary Black

Stronger than a jewel, Julie Cote

Talented in so many ways, Bethan Nodwell

It's sometimes difficult to pinpoint those precious people who have influenced and shaped your life in such a way that you are changed forever. Here are a few of my most solid and ever-giving friends that naturally rise to meet that definition. They are constantly inspiring me and encouraging me to embrace my self. Pure love.
You inspire all of us in return....hugs and kisses jul
Hello Ilka,
I am delighted to have found you. I am living with my dog up here in the hills at Oma's happy hermitage on Pike Lake. I would love to hear from you. bjscott@magma.ca
Barbara Scott ... Communications ... Philemon Wright
I think you were in my firts grade class at Ecole Lanthier in Aylmer. Your friend was Vanessa Van Kessel? Sorry if I am mistaken but your name really rings a bell and it is not common.
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