Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ilka's Picks - Fun Stuff to Watch, Read and Listen To

This is the first time I've published a post containing nothing but links. I'm taking a Web Editorial course at Ryerson University right now and my brain is full of websites... creating them, updating them, finding the best bits in the massive slushpile that is the Interweb... My assignments will include repurposing a print magazine article for it's online component; presenting a magazine website that I love ( and later re-vamping a magazine website that could use sexing-up (I don't know which one I'll pick for that assignment though it has to be Canadian.) As I work through the course, and the rest of my Magazine Publishing Program, I will try to update my blog with whom I have been regretfully out of touch of late!

For "Lost" the TV series fans (Yeah! a new season! This is fun while waiting between episodes):

For those curious about torture (who's not?):

For lovers of short story (this stuff makes me weak at the knees):
As a story editor, I LOVE seeing the edits!
But I LOVE Chandler's original version even more:
The UN-edited version of Chandler's story:

For global street fashion fans (so fun!!):
For your customized listening pleasure (this radio learns what you like to listen to most)

For understanding the pulse of a nation (those wired, that is):

For Nina Simone lovers (I got my boobies!):

For the sheer celebration of humanity (to balance out the torture selection above):

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