Sunday, December 10, 2006

Diamonds In My Eyes

My imagination was consumed a few days ago by synthetic diamonds. They seem to be the answer to so many peoples' desires: the desire for bling (in a Tiffany setting of course!), the desire for technological advancement (imagine a diamond microchip), and the desire for a clear conscience.

There seem to be a few labs in North America that are capable of simulating Nature's magic recipe.
I'll keep my eye on this one, and if you know anything about it, could you let me know?

Other things that are of particular interest to me are:
The world's housing challenge (over 50% of Caracas consists of squatter settlements - see Dave's picture of a barrio below)
Water (the rising of water, the purification of water, the distribution of water)

Addendum - Dave bought me gold stud earrings in the SHAPE of diamonds for my birthday! Lucky for him I find the irony adorable.

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