Thursday, March 08, 2007

Taking the Time to Quote Good Ole Mac

"During this time it may dawn on us that although we live in an abundant and peaceful society (Canada) and have more than we can ask for, we still are discontent and restless. What is happening is that our senses are satiated and we have become jaded, misguided and totally separated from who we truly are and what our true spirits are capable of. No amount of money, fame, sex or power can remedy this ailment of the soul. No need to worry about alien invasions since in reality we are the aliens from a far away place. Deep within ourselves we know it and our souls long for that profound connection to the universe.
We see our leaders and celebrities falling apart and we conclude that money fame and power allow no release and no peace of mind at all. This is what is changing in our consciousness. If we want love and peace then we must reach inside to get it. Nowhere else can it be found. When we let go of the material acquisition game and seek peace within and find it, an abundance of love begins to flow. "

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